Free The Counselor in HD Video
Now you can enjoy The Counselor in top video format with duration 117 Min and was released on 2013-10-25 and MPAA rating is 302.- Original Title : The Counselor
- Movie title in your country : The Counselor
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Thriller, Crime, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-10-25
- Companies of movie : Ingenious Media, Fox 2000 Pictures, Scott Free Productions, Kanzaman, Nick Wechsler Productions, Big Screen Productions, Chockstone Pictures, Translux, TSG Entertainment,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 117 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.9
- Youtube ID of movie : sitiAk4WLQ8
- Actors of movie :Michael Fassbender (The Counselor), Cameron Diaz (Malkina), Javier Bardem (Reiner), Penélope Cruz (Laura), Brad Pitt (Westray), Dean Norris (Buyer), Emma Rigby (Tony's Girl), Rosie Perez (Ruth), Goran Višnjić (Banker), Bruno Ganz (Diamond Dealer), Toby Kebbell (Tony), Barbara Durkin (Cafe Waitress), Donna Air (Chauffeur), Giannina Facio (Woman with Mobile Phone), Richard Brake (Second Man), Sam Spruell (Wireman), Andrea Deck (Watching Girl), Alex Hafner (Highway Patrolman), Richard Cabral (Young Biker), Dar Dash (Barman), Paris Jefferson (Waitress), Christopher Obi (Malkina's Bodyguard), Velibor Topić (Sedan Man), Gerard Monaco (Hotel Waiter), Fernando Cayo (Abogado), Carlos Julio Molina (Workman), Natalie Dormer (Blonde), Rubén Blades (Jefe), Julien Vialon (Maître D')
Movie summary of The Counselor :
Free The Counselor in Best Video Format with movie plot "A rich and successful lawyer named Counselor is about to get married to his fiancée but soon meets up with the middle-man known as Westray who tells him his drug trafficking plan has taken a horrible twist and now he must protect himself and his soon bride-to-be lover as the truth of the drug business uncovers and targets become chosen." in high quality. Full Streaming The Counselor in HD Format by push of the download link.
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... Full Length of The Counselor in High Definition Format 1080p ...
Director : Ridley Scott, Producer : Paula Mae Schwartz, Producer : Steve Schwartz, Producer : Nick Wechsler, Writer : Cormac McCarthy, Producer : Ridley Scott, Original Music Composer : Daniel Pemberton , Director of Photography : Dariusz Wolski, Editor : Pietro Scalia, Casting : Nina Gold, Casting : Avy Kaufman, Production Design : Arthur Max, Executive Producer : Michael Costigan, Executive Producer : Mark Huffam, Executive Producer : Cormac McCarthy, Executive Producer : Michael Schaefer, Costume Design : Janty Yates
Yes, now you can view movie involving The Counselor fully length and get the link to this video The Counselor in HD format.
Tags: poetry, lawyer, drug smuggling, drug trafficking, red dress,
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