Full Length of The Machinist in HD Video
Now you can see The Machinist in High Quality Video with duration 101 Min and was published in 2004-10-22 and MPAA rating is 296.- Original Title : The Machinist
- Movie title in your country : The Machinist
- Year of movie : 2004
- Genres of movie : Thriller, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2004-10-22
- Companies of movie : Filmax Entertainment, Castelao Producciones, Canal+ España, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA), ICF,
- Countries of movie : United States of America, Spain,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 101 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7
- Youtube ID of movie : H0fuHY4U1UA
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,TR,PT,ES,FR,RU,ZH,SV,HU,PL,NL,RO,CS,
- Cast of movie :Christian Bale (Trevor Reznik), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Stevie), Aitana Sánchez-Gijón (Marie), John Sharian (Ivan), Michael Ironside (Miller), Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (Jackson), Craig Stevenson (Tucker), Reg E. Cathey (Jones), Anna Massey (Mrs. Shike), Matthew Romero Moore (Nicholas), James DePaul (Reynolds), Robert Long (Supervisor Furman)
Movie summary of The Machinist :
Best The Machinist in High Quality Video with movie summary "The Machinist is the story of Trevor Reznik, a lathe-operator who is dying of insomnia. In a machine shop, occupational hazards are bad enough under normal circumstances; yet for Trevor the risks are compounded by fatigue. Trevor has lost the ability to sleep. This is no ordinary insomnia..." in High Quality Video. Full Length of The Machinist in Best Quality by visiting the download link.
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Director : Brad Anderson, Producer : Julio Fernández, Director of Photography : Xavi Giménez, Editor : Luis de la Madrid, Executive Producer : Carlos Fernández, Executive Producer : Antonia Nava, Writer : Scott Kosar, Original Music Composer : Roque Baños, Production Design : Alain Bainée
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